What Are the Different Types of Electrolysis?
There are three types of electrolysis treatments we can offer at Richmond Plastic Surgeons in Virginia: Galvanic, thermolysis, and blended electrolysis. Our probes are insulated for skin safety, and we have probes and treatment levels that are safe for ALL skin types.
Galvanic Electrolysis
Ideal for treating coarse hairs, galvanic electrolysis uses both a chemical reaction and an electric current to destroy the hair follicle. A probe is placed on the hair, and the electric current travels to the base of the hair follicle. At the same time, a chemical reaction turns the current into a fluid called lye. The lye permanently damages the follicle, preventing future hair growth. While treatment time is longer with galvanic electrolysis, there is less regrowth between appointments.
Thermolysis Electrolysis
Thermolysis electrolysis (“electrocoagulation”) relies on localized thermal energy to weaken the hair follicles on a cellular basis. It is the fastest and most painless version of the hair removal treatment. During each session, an alternating current travels back and forth between the two poles of the probe.
Blended Galvanic and Thermolysis Electrolysis
The two previous types of electrolysis can be blended to combine their power and effectiveness. A combination approach is often less time-consuming than using galvanic electrolysis on its own but can achieve more hair removal in a single session than by using thermolysis electrolysis on its own. The blended method is also more comfortable.